01904 414357 office@yorkadvocacy.org.uk

Our Services

How can we help?

Our NHS Complaints Advocacy service is independentconfidential and free

We can:

  • Provide you with an information pack to support you to make your complaint
  • Talk through the complaints process and your options at each stage of the process
  • Signpost you to other services who can help
  • Provide you with an advocate to support you if you need more help (see below)

We can’t:

  • Investigate your complaint
  • Make decisions for you
  • Give you legal advice
  • Give you medical advice

If you find it difficult to be involved in the complaints process an NHS Complaints Advocate can:

Help you understand the complaints process and your different options

Help you compile all the issues you wish to raise in the complaint and put them into a complaint letter

Liaise with the NHS staff on your behalf about your complaint

Support you to prepare for complaint meetings

Attend complaint meetings with you

For more information please get in touch:

01904 414357          office@yorkadvocacy.org.uk        www.yorkadvocacy.org.uk