01904 414357 office@yorkadvocacy.org.uk

Get Involved

Steering Group Members Required

Can you help steer the future of York Advocacy Hub?

Are you willing to speak your mind and think creatively?

We are looking to recruit additional steering group members of people with different backgrounds and experiences, including ex advocacy service users.

The purpose of the Advocacy Hub Steering Group is to provide honest and constructive feedback around work planning, offer information, contacts, and experiences that could guide work planning and identify potential challenges of proposed work ideas, discuss, and offer solutions.

We meet quarterly at our office - Highcliffe House, Highcliffe Court, YO30 6BP.

If you want to find out more information or wish to express your interest, please contact Rebecca Nightingale (York Advocacy Hub Service Manager) at rebecca.nightingale@yorkadvocacy.org.uk

Advocacy photo - what is advocacy